About this site

About this site

I have to be honest, up until fairly recently, genealogy wasn’t really something I ever thought about.

Me as a baby

Then, my Father died of lung cancer. I realised that because his Mother and Father had died years before I was born, I was only aware of his three brothers and his Sister. All of whom had already passed away.

So, I knew nothing else about his side of the family.

My mother grew up with her adopted father and her birth mother, who died when I was 2 years old. So I really didn’t know anything about her side of the family either.

My mother is now 80 years old and doesn’t really remember her birth father, except his surname (he left when my Mum was very young).

So, I decided the time had come to try and find out a bit more about my roots.

I’ve traced most of my ancestors back to the early 1600s now and because I wanted to utilise the free options for my research, I’ve found several sources of free information and some tricks for finding things that aren’t initially obvious.

That’s what this site is going to try to help you with.

If you’re new to this genealogy thing and you’re struggling with where you should start, or what to do, hopefully, I can help.

I’ve learned a lot during my journey so far, but I’m still really at the beginning. So, I’ll share my knowledge and experiences with you, in the hope that you’ll also share yours with me.

Together we can learn from each other.


Steve George